Appreciation Feature

We would like to acknowledge and thank all the schools that fundraise for Stewart House

As part of our annual Awards Presentation Ceremony (APC), we host an on-site event, to acknowledge the outstanding fundraising efforts of schools, corporations and individuals in the previous year. We are delighted to share this feature of the responses from public schools in NSW over the last few years for your enjoyment.

2021 APC

In 2021, we continued with our virtual celebration during the COVID-19 pandemic. We invited our award recipients to share a photo of the award on display in their school.

A full list of Stewart House supporters in 2019 is available in our Annual Report 2020.

2021 Virtual Appreciation Gallery

Photo Entries

Click on each thumbnail to view the document entry in full.


2020 APC

In 2020, our ceremony was moved online for the very first time to accommodate safe social distance requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic and, instead, we invited our award recipients to be part of this special donor recognition feature.

To help us celebrate the spirit and dedication with which our highly-valued fundraising community fundraised for Stewart House in 2019, we asked award recipients to share what Stewart House means to them, their school, community or organisation. We encouraged a creative outlook for delivering on this message and offered the following ideas for inspiration:

  • Take a photo of your award/certificate with your staff/students
  • Write a message
  • Make a short video
  • Create a poem, collage or dance
A full list of Stewart House supporters in 2019 is available in our Annual Report 2019.


2020 Virtual Appreciation Gallery

Document Entries

Click on each thumbnail to view the document entry in full.

Video Entries

Click on each entry to view the video in full.