Term 3 2022

As we roll forward to the final term of 2022, we reflect on some of the highlights from Term 3, 2022.
In brief:
  • We continue to host children from regional NSW
  • We share highlights from the Beach2Beach Charity Fun Run and provide an update on our annual Boxing Day on the Harbour event
  • Purchase a ticket in the ASX Refinitiv Raffle to support Stewart House, and you can win a car!

Term 3, 2022 Program Highlights

In Term 3, our final Term of reduced capacity before we return to operating at pre-COVID levels, five cohorts with a cap of 40 children per group stayed for the full 12-day Program. The children arrived from NSW regional areas surrounding Albury & Deniliquin, Tweed Heads, Lismore, Mid North Coast, and Port Macquarie.

When students are not on excursions enjoying a variety of fun and local attractions, time is allocated onsite at our facility in Curl Curl for health checks, self-care lessons, cooking, games, and social and emotional check-ins. The Program delivers an integrated education and recreation curriculum with our onsite Clinical Psychologists closely tracking the wellbeing of the students in residence.

It was a pleasure to support children from public schools in communities still struggling following the devastation of the recent floods. We thank our donor community for making this possible.

One thousand six hundred children depend on our program every year. The annual task of raising $5 million is becoming increasingly challenging. From time to time, we invite our supporters to participate in significant initiatives, including exclusive raffles and events that directly benefit our fundraising efforts.


ASX Refinitiv Charity Foundation Raffle

All proceeds from your raffle purchase go towards supporting Stewart House Your ongoing support of Stewart House is greatly appreciated. We would like to share information for this premium raffle, where all proceeds from tickets purchased through the link below will help support Stewart House to give disadvantaged children the break they deserve.

Ticket prices: 1 x ticket = $20, 3 x tickets = $50, 8 x tickets = $100, 50 x tickets = $500. Draw Date: Thursday, 9th March 2023 at 2 pm.


Beach2Beach Charity Fun Run

On Sunday, August 28th, the iconic Beach2Beach Charity Fun Run and Festival (previously known as the Pub2Pub) celebrated its 28th year of raising much-needed funds for worthy local charities on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

The event was coordinated by a group of passionate Brookvale Rotarians who volunteered their time and skills without financial benefit. Remarkably, thanks to generous sponsors like Harbord Diggers and URM, 100% of the registration fees go back to local charities and service organisations.

Stewart House staff joined in the fun on the day – as did Stewart House Program supporter Healthy Harold, the Life Education giraffe who teaches children the value of making safer and healthier choices.

We are sincerely thankful and proud to have been nominated as a benefiting charity alongside other fantastic charities in 2022.

Boxing Day on the Harbour

Watching the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race on the Harbour is a tradition experienced by many Sydneysiders on Boxing Day. Incorporating this exciting and unique spectacle as part of our fundraising efforts has been a privilege for over a decade.

Sadly, for two consecutive years during COVID, we have been unable to host this event. In 2022 we were optimistic and hoped to reignite this event. However, Transdev Sydney Ferries, our valued partner, is experiencing some setbacks with its fleet of ferries, and we cannot bring the event to life this year.

If you would like to remain updated for future trips, please provide your details online to ensure you receive notifications. We have our fingers crossed for better news in 2023!